Emo the Emotional Elf, #christmas #elves #emotions #book #autism #anxiety #mentalhealth

Hi all how’s your day been, what has today brought for you, mine has been great, we were hit by a bit of book negative received the official documents from liquidators this morning such great thing to receive and not one mention of the digital or typeset copy, it is so complicated and for many authors in the same position as me have invested our time emotions and money into it that there is none left to get legal advice, or someone with knowledge to read them and explain them.

I have learnt so much along the way but am a complete novice as to legalities of the situation.

I have been researching as much as I can and it will be officially heard on the fourth of January I have to sign a form and send it back. I really hope I do it the correct way, there timing really sucks.

On a positive note I have only one or two gifts left to get before the present run tomorrow, I love that bit the gift of giving, it is very small gifts this year, but at least I managed to get everyone something.

This time last year it was Emo for all the children and a home written letter for him to children praising all the good and positive things they have done through the year, I really loved that part and watching them read Thier letters. It was such a special feeling to have done that. I think having letters to make you feel good about yourself is an important thing for emotional well being.

We have faced timed with Niki and been talking over messenger with her, and I can honestly say that is something social media is good for keeping that close contact with your loved ones when they are somewhere else in the world.

I really want to say thankyou to everyone that reads my blogs or posts,

It really does mean more than you know, it is never easy sharing the most international family stuff but I think it is important when talking about my book and the things that the book covers.

I have been a professional carer and family surport worker for over 13 years now, and in my profession have had to deal with many different issues arising, it is ever changing needs depending on what is going on in individuals and family life.

It involves mental physical and emotional well being. So when righting the book it comes not only experiences with my family but also my work. I give everything I have to my work and my family.

It makes me proud and happy to be in this industry, the book helps me to take it one step further.

Learning the publishing and marketing, learning how to grow networks , also reading and learning more about medical conditions.

Studying everything I can about mental health, Ehcp and so much more, it is always on going.

Once the book is sorted I may even take a course on psychology I am very interested on that aspect of things.

Jake is having fun having his big brother here, despite the 10 year age gap the bond and similar interests is so awsome.

There laughter and long debate about many different subjects shows there always wanting to have these deeper conversations, little Jake reminded me of his dad so much today when he used objects on the table to explain the position of things he was talking about, that is how my hubby use to explain things visually for me all the time, some how it helps get it in my brain using visual prompts. It just is such an endearing thing to watch.

Hope the rest of your evening is a great one or the day is great for you all

All my love Faye xx